Studio updates, new projects and thoughts on design.

  1. Hot Printing Festival 2024

    On 6 and 7 July 2024 I will be participating in the Hot Printing Festival at the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main.

  2. Printmaking course at Papelier

    From the 15th to 19th July 2024 I will be hosting the "Druckwerkstatt" at Papelier.

  3. Book presentation & demo

    On the 15th of March 2024, the Day of Printing, I will be presenting my book "Experimentelles Drucken: Techniken und Ideen für den Milchkartondruck".

  4. Tetra Pak printmaking without a printing press — alternative methods and tools

    Tetra Pak printing is a versatile and accessible printmaking technique that enables artists to create unique prints using recycled Tetra Pak cartons, producing unique and interesting lines and textures.

  5. Printmaking book recommendations for artists and enthusiasts

    Practice and experimentation are key to printmaking, but books are a great way of finding inspiration and expanding your printmaking skills.

  6. The power of purposeless work

    Many of us yearn for a sense of fulfillment in our work. We strive to make a meaningful impact, contribute to a greater cause, and try to give our jobs a purpose beyond that of having financial stability.

  7. Tetra Pak Printmaking workshop at Maker Faire Vienna

    I hosted a Tetra Pak printmaking workshop at the Maker Faire Vienna event on 4.6.2023.

  8. I'm writing a book about Tetra Pak printmaking

    Tetra Pak printmaking is fun, sustainable and low cost, and I can’t wait to share more about this versatile printing technique in my upcoming book!

  9. Follow my creative journey in 2023

    This year could be a turning point for the studio, as I plan to shift my focus to personal projects.

  10. Druckwerkstatt

    From January to March 2023 I will be hosting the "Druckwerkstatt" at the Erwachsenenschule Völs.

  11. Interview on the Building Better podcast

  12. The unicorn sky

    How designing with my daughter reminded me that a prototype beats a thousand sketches.

Let's create
something great

Get in touch

Studio & Atelier

Sillgasse 7
6020 Innsbruck (Austria)

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